The Beaumont offers same day, convenient, in office lab services. Typically, results take 3-5 days to result. We will either set up a follow up call you or schedule you a return visit to review your results and discuss what they mean and how they are integrated into your customized treatment plan.
We also now offer genetic testing. Genetic testing looks at specific genes that can be influenced by diet, nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle behaviors. This information helps our providers create a plan to improve your health, prevent future conditions, and help you achieve your wellness goals.
When it comes to having your blood drawn, the labs being requested drives the results and information the practitioner will have to be able to treat your needs. There are hundreds of lab tests that can be requested, and a majority of the time many practitioners only draw a basic lab panel.
At The Beaumont, we dive deeper into your labs to get more information in order to help steer your wellness journey in the right direction.
For example, when looking at thyroid health, many patients have typically only had a TSH level drawn. The TSH is only one of six thyroid markers we review in order to ensure your thyroid health is optimized.
Our comprehensive panel is composed of 13-14 different laboratory tests that look deeper into vitamin deficiencies and endocrine disorders beyond a basic panel.
Is there anything I need to do prior to having my labs drawn?
Please make sure to stay hydrated as much as possible prior to your draw. We also ask that you hold certain supplements (especially additional B vitamins) 48 hours prior to your lab draw as these vitamins can alter certain test results. Some tests may require you to be fasting, so please check with us prior to your draw to determine your fasting state. Menstruating females: hormone panels are typically drawn 18-22 days after the first day of your last period.
Does insurance cover any of my lab cost?
We are able to offer lab testing at an extremely discounted rate due to our model. We do not accept or file insurance, but we are happy to fill out a reimbursement form for you that you may submit to insurance to see if they will reimburse part or all of the cost.
We are able to personalize medicine and tailor health solutions specific to your genetics with multiple genetic testing options.
This innovative genetic test allow us to look at over 350 genetic variations, focusing on diet and wellness. It is one of the most comprehensive nutritional panels on the market. In order to have this test completed, we must also drawn and submit a full specific panel of labs as well as body measurements. This panel breaks down:
Exercise response: what exercises are good for you, and what exercises are bad for you
Nutritional needs: what foods are good for you, and what foods you should avoid.
Additional intolerances and nutritional needs.
Hormonal and metabolic abnormalities in men can produce a number of undesirable affects, such as weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, decrease sex drive and mood disturbances. In many men, their genetic inheritance has altered the way they process hormones such as testosterone. This panel focuses on: Testosterone Conversion and Breakdown, Estrogen Formation, Risk of Metabolic Weakness, and Risk of Hypertension.
Hormonal, metabolic and vitamin abnormalities in women can produce a number of undesirable affects, such as weight gain, sleep disturbances, infertility, fatigue, and mood disturbances. In some women, hormonal issues with estrogen / progesterone balance and altered estrogen metabolism can lead to a higher risk of developing blood clots, blood pressure issues and fluid balance, and increase the risk of high blood pressure. In some more severe cases, increase risk of cancer, miscarriage, placental separation, preeclampsia, and pulmonary embolisms can occur. This panel allows us to focus on: hormone production and breakdown (estrogen/testosterone metabolism), MTHFR and methylation (Delivery / Absorption / Conversion of Folic Acid and B12), Risk of Metabolic Disease (hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, PCOS), and blood clot risk.
This panel focuses on how well your body is able to process, or “methylate” certain vitamins. Nearly 1/3 of the US population has a genetic variant that affects how well we are able to process certain vitamins, which in turn can lead to chronic illnesses, such as inflammation, gut issues, and even hypertension and cardiac disease. This panel focuses on: Folate and B12 Metabolism (including MTHFR gene mutation, FOLR1 gene mutation, VDR Taq gene mutation, SLC19A1 gene mutation, MTRR), Mitochondrial Polymorphism, and Vitamin D transport.
This panel allows us to look at inadequate glutathione absorption, metabolism & function, poor defense against free radicals, and insufficiencies in the protective properties of antioxidants. AHCY (aka homocysteine aldolase) is the enzyme responsible for converting S-adenosyl homocysteine to homocysteine. Its’ cofactor is NAD+. The result of this mutation is a low homocysteine and therefore low down pathway substrates including Cystathione, NAC, and ultimately glutathione. This causes the methionine recirculation pathway to be insufficient and that L-Methionine can be helpful in most situations. With an AHCY homozygous polymorphism, It is recommend adding SAMe (L-methionine), mitochondria support to increase the production of NAD+ and consider utilizing glutathione in supplementation.
An inadequate diet can sometimes lead to a vitamin deficiency. The symptoms of a vitamin deficiency can vary, depending on the vitamin that one is lacking. A vitamin deficiency can affect skin, hair, nails, mental function, blood, and neurological functions. Nausea, vomiting, muscle cramping, diarrhea and decreased immune system function are examples of a vitamin deficiency. This panel will give you guidance via DNA analysis on what nutrients you may need due to genetic weaknesses.
70% of the immune system surrounds the gut to protect the whole body from getting sick. Since the support of brain function, immune stabilization, and digestive process are dependent on the chemical processes occurring in and around the gut, aiding the cells and good bacteria that carry out the mechanisms can help overall health. This panel focuses on: Break-down of Histamines found in food sources, Individual need for Probiotics, Gluten Sensitivities, and Autophagy function in Immune Clearance of Intestinal Pathogens. This panel is great for patients with Irritable Bowels, Chronic Constipation, Chronic Diarrhea, Intermittent Intestinal Pain, Chronic Reflux, Recurrent Intestinal Infection, and Numerous Food Allergies.
This test analyzes both genetic factors as well as extrinsic factors that may affect hair loss. Your medications, pathologies, emotional state, physical activity, habits and family history are also taken into consideration through a questionnaire prior to genetic analysis. This test allows for personalized treatment options.
Developmental testing looks at neurotransmitters, sugar sensitivities, methylation, and detoxification. This testing takes the patient’s genetic results and creates nutritional and lifestyle recommendations along with recommended lab work and health precautions to watch for as they continue to develop.
Our genetic testing allows us to gain a better understanding of what's happening on a genetic and cellular-level. This allows us to determine which SNPs (variations) are harmful and which are not a concern to your health. With SNP testing, we can focus our attention on genetic variations that can lead to poor health and offer you guidance in the prevention of health problems or create a protocol for those with current health problems. By overcoming nutritional weaknesses with supplementation, we are able to maximize your overall health.
Genetics testing is super easy! We obtain a swab of the inside of your cheek and send it off to the lab. That’s it! We ask that if you are interested in genetics, no food, water, or gum (nothing by mouth) 30 minutes prior to testing.
This panel allows us to look at all aspects of women’s health. Did you know that women are 20 TIMES more likely to have a thyroid issue than men, and the thyroid can significantly impact health when imbalanced? Hormone imbalances (thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) can contribute to weight gain, sleep disruptions, fatigue, and mood changes. In women, estrogen-related issues heighten the risk of cancer, blood clots, miscarriage, and more. These imbalances can affect blood pressure, fluid balance, and increase hypertension risk. Recognizing signs like irregular menstrual cycles, mood swings, and low libido is crucial, and that is where this panel is so important to understanding your genetic make up. Learn more about women’s health HERE